编者按武汉英中高级中学,深耕江城武汉20载,专注于高品质国际化教育,是一所融合小、初、高12年一贯制的精品国际化学校。秉持和借鉴国际先进教育理念实施国家课标,英中提供涉外A Level、IBDP、AP、IFY等国际高中课程,专注培养根植中国、学贯中西、顺应未来全球发展趋势的人才。英中生源广泛且优质,遍布全国11个省市、自治区。来自国内外的500余名中外教职员工汇集于此,坚守教育初心,潜心治学,带领学生逐梦世界名校。武汉爱莎优秀学生徐言朗就读G9年级,请跟随本文了解他的成长经历与学习经验吧!Student Interview爱莎优秀学生专访——徐言朗作为一所真正意义上的IB世界学校,武汉爱莎致力于尊重并发现每一位学生的天赋与热爱,为学生提供个性化定制的课程与适配自己成长速率的升学规划。热爱羽毛球、棒球、足球、跆拳道,更是攀岩项目国家级运动员,就读于武汉爱莎文华学校G9年级的徐言朗,很有自己的人生规划。Scroll Down For More ↓As a true IB World School, ISA Wuhan is committed to respecting and discovering each student's talents and passions, and providing them with a personalised curriculum and a progression plan that matches their pace. Kevin, a G9 student at ISA Wenhua Wuhan School who loves badminton, baseball, football and rock climbing (a national-level athlete!), has her own life plan.Swipe Left For English →成长于开放且接纳各种可能的家庭氛围中,徐言朗从小就是运动场上的佼佼者。在尝试了大量体育项目后,徐言朗最终选择攀岩作为自己着重发展的方向。并在2022年以个人身份参加第六届全国少年攀岩锦标赛,一举获得U13组难度、攀石、两项全能3个冠军;同年,徐言朗被列为全国青少年攀岩后备人才,获评国家一级运动员。Scroll Down For More ↓Growing up in a family that was open and accepting of all possibilities, Kevin has been a leader on the sports field since she was a child. After trying out a number of sports, Kevin finally chose rock climbing as the direction he wanted to focus on. In 2022, Kevin participated in the 6th National Junior Rock Climbing Championships as an individual, and won three titles in difficulty, bouldering and biathlon in theU13 group; in the same year, Kevin was classified as a national reserve youth rock climbing talent, and was recognized as a qualified national-level athlete.Swipe Left For English →面对琳琅满目的成绩,您也许会觉得徐言朗是练习攀岩多年的“老将”,但其实,他学习攀岩的时间并不长。2019年,徐言朗第一次在商业岩馆接触攀岩,就对这项运动燃起浓厚兴趣,在兼顾学业的情况下,徐言朗坚持每周4次专业训练,练习攀岩仅一年后,就获得湖北省青少年锦标赛冠军、省运会亚军。出色的身体素质与惊人的毅力、专注度是徐言朗卓越表现的基础,而对自己人生卓越的追求,徐言朗可不仅满足于“当下”的成功。Scroll Down For More ↓Faced with a wide range of achievements, you may think that Kevin is a "veteran" who has been practising rock climbing for many years, but in fact he has not been learning rock climbing for long. In 2019, Kevin tried his first rock climbing in the commercial rock hall, and the sport greatly attracted him. Staying with regular academic track, Kevin adhered to thefour-times-a-week professional training,andwon the Hubei Provincial Youth Championships, the provincial Games runner-up only a year later.Excellent physical fitness and amazing perseverance and concentration are the basis of Kevin's outstanding performance, but the pursuit of excellence in his own life, Kevin is not only satisfied with the success of the "moment".Swipe Left For English →“攀岩比赛中取得优异成绩的经历,让我深刻领悟到自我挑战和突破的喜悦。攀岩墙上每一次攀登,都是对自我的考验,需要我发挥毅力和勇气。” 徐言朗说。“这些经历不仅锻炼了我的身体素质,更培养了我的坚韧和团队合作精神。然而,我也清楚地意识到,学业是我未来成长的根基,因此我一直致力于在攀岩与学业之间寻求着一种平衡。”Scroll Down For More ↓"The experience of excelling in rock climbing competitions has given me a deep appreciation of the joy of self-challenge and breakthrough. Every climb on the rock climbing wall is a test of self and requires me to exercise perseverance and courage." Kevin said. "These experiences have not only honed my physical fitness, but also developed my tenacity and teamwork spirit. However, I am also well aware that my studies are the foundation of my future growth,so I have been committed to finding a balance between rock climbing and my studies."Swipe Left For English →既要专注于专业的攀岩比赛,又要不落下学校课程,这种完美契合IB学习者培养目标的精神吸引着徐言朗,来到武汉爱莎,为自己身为职业运动员又想冲刺世界顶尖名校,找寻新的路径。“爱莎国际学校提供了灵活的学习方式和多元化的教育资源,让我能够更好地兼顾攀岩训练和学业。我学会了如何高效地利用时间,合理安排攀岩训练和学习任务,确保两者都能取得进步。攀岩训练给予了我身心的放松和挑战自我的机会,而学业则为我提供了知识和智慧的积累,这两者相辅相成,共同构建了我丰富多彩的学习生活。”徐言朗说。Scroll Down For More ↓Focusing on professional climbing competitions while not falling behind in the school curriculum, a spirit perfectly suited to the goals of IB learners, attracted Kevin to Wuhan ISA to find a new path for himself as a professional athlete who wanted to go to one of the world's top schools."ISA offers flexible learning options and diverse educational resources that have allowed me to better balance my climbing training with my studies. I have learnt how to use my time efficiently and organise my climbing training and academic tasks to ensure that I make progress in both. Climbing training gives me the opportunity to relax physically and mentally and challenge myself, while my studies provide me with knowledge and wisdom, both of which complement each other and together build my colourful academic life." Kevin said.Swipe Left For English →从学习中的受到压力,通过攀岩来释放,在攀岩中遇到的瓶颈,通过学习来缓解。徐言朗已经在武汉爱莎找到了成长的正向循环。“他的自律、时间规划能力和目标意识非常出色,而最让我感到欣慰的是,在面对高强度的体育锻炼时,徐言朗不仅没有落下学校的课程,并且能做到不偏科。他在学校的各项成绩,都非常优秀,学术和体育得以均衡发展,是真正的IBer。” 徐言朗的班主任曹老师,告诉我们。Scroll Down For More ↓The pressure in learning is released through rock climbing, and the bottleneck encountered in rock climbing is relieved through learning.Kevin has found a positive cycle of growth at Wuhan ISA."His self-discipline, time-planning ability and sense of purpose are excellent,and what makes me feel most gratified is that when faced with intense physical exercise, Kevin not only does not fall behind in his school curriculum, but also manages not todeviate from his subjects. He is a true IBer," Kevin's homeroom teacher, Ms. Sunny, told us, adding that his school grades are excellent and he has a balanced approach to academics and sports.Swipe Left For English →兼顾攀岩与学业,徐言朗被两种目标带给自己的动力,推向更广阔的世界。2022年,他跟随母亲赴英国学习,并在谢菲尔德的NEW AGE攀岩俱乐部竞技组参加系统训练,并接连代表俱乐部参加威尔士和苏格兰举办的四国杯系列赛,挑战自我极限的同时,对接受国际化课程的需求也愈加强烈。Scroll Down For More ↓Juggling climbing with his studies, Kevin was motivated by both goals to push himself into the wider world. 2022 saw him follow his mother to the UK to study and train in the competitive division of Sheffield's NEW AGE Climbing Club, where he went on to represent the club in the Four Nations Cup Series in Wales and Scotland, pushing himself to his limits while his need for an international programme grew stronger. The need for an international programme is also growing.Swipe Left For English →“在爱莎,我热爱的攀岩和学业都得到了充分的重视和支持,这让我更加自信地迈向未来。” 徐言朗说。“我非常感激学校为我提供的多样化教育,让我能够在攀岩和学业之间找到平衡,充实了我的校园生活。攀岩与学业,不仅让我在学校中取得了不俗的成绩,更让我对未来充满了信心和期待!”Scroll Down For More ↓"At ISA, both climbing and academics are fully valued and supported, which makes me more confident to step into the future." Kevin said. "I am grateful for the diverse education that the school has provided me with, which has enabled me to find a balance between climbing and academics, and has enriched my school life. Rock climbing and academics have not only enabled me to achieve remarkable results in school, but also given me confidence and expectation for the future!"Swipe Left For English →转自:ISA Wuhan 武汉爱莎【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead